Linguistics Open House, Wed Oct 22, 3:30pm
Greeting, Linguistics enthusiasts -- Those of you taking Linguistics classes this semester have probably already heard about this, but for the rest of you: On Wednesday, October 22 from 3:30 to 4:30, we're holding our annual Linguistics Open House (with refreshments!). All current and prospective Linguistics majors and minors, as well as other undergraduates with an interest in linguistics, are welcome! We hope you'll come -- and bring your friends ! It's at 621 Comm Ave, in room B02, there will be fliers with arrows on them in the hallways pointing the way. There is also a Facebook event at . If you think/know you're coming, RSVPing there will help us get an idea of how many people to expect.. We hope to see you Wednesday..! -Paul Hagstrom hagstrom@bu,edu
participants (1)
Paul Hagstrom