Morphology talk reminder: Monday 1pm, Geddes CAS 533B
Just a reminder: The second talk on morphology is coming up tomorrow (Monday). Monday 1pm Geddes/CAS 533B. The talk will be followed by an informal chat from 2-2:30pm. "Building the French Lexicon: From phonology to morphology." Short abstract: Morphology is the component of grammar assumed by many linguists to 1) describe how words are related to one another (synchronically); and 2) explain how speakers coin new words (derivation) or adapt known ones to syntactic contexts (inflection). In this talk, I illustrate how a theoretical approach to lexical connections helps us understand the patterns of word relatedness, derivation, inflection, and change that are observed in word forms. The speaker is also a candidate for a Linguistics position at BU (like the speaker last Wednesday), and we would value any thoughts or comments you have after attending the talk (these can be sent to Prof. Neidle, Hope to see you there..! -Paul
participants (1)
Paul Hagstrom