Hello BULA. I expect that many of you got paper flyers in classes announcing the many upcoming BULA and Linguistics events happening for the rest of the semester. There are lots! It's a good time to be a linguist! You can find listings for these events on the new BULA web site: http://bula.bu.edu/events/ The major upcoming events are: -Prof. Jim McCloskey (two talks: April 8, 7:30pm, KCB 101, "Sex and the Irish language: The cultural politics of language attrition" and April 9, 3:30pm, KCB 106, "Yes, no, and the construction of finite verbs in a VSO language") -Dr. Marc Zender (April 1, 7pm, CAS 326, "Why study Elvish?") On weeks when there are no talks, there will be Tuesday evening movie screenings at 7pm in CAS 537C. The next event up is on Tuesday, the first movie screening of the semester. "The mystery of the Rosetta Stone / Secrets of the hieroglyphs" These are part of a docu-drama series on Egypt produced by the BBC, which tells the story of the discovery and deciphering of the Rosetta Stone, and the competition between the English (Thomas Young) and French (Jean-François Champollion). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt_(TV_series)#Part_three:_Champollion Tuesday, March 23 7pm CAS 537C (Geddes Viewing Room) The movies scheduled for future Tuesdays are: Apr 13: Cracking the Maya code Apr 20: The Linguists Apr 27: The Wild Child (L'enfant sauvage) Hope to see you at these events! -Paul
participants (1)
Paul Hagstrom