Reminder: "The Linguists" (and Norvin Richards) on Apr 29, 7:30pm (fwd)
Just a quick reminder: "The Linguists" screening is tomorrow, 7:30pm in the GSU, followed by a short presentation and Q&A with Prof. Norvin Richards. Come see the movie on the big screen, hear about Lardil, ask questions, get answers. -Paul
Announcing the Boston University undergraduate Linguistics Association's end-of-the-year event:
Screening of "The Linguists" Followed by a short presentation and Q&A with Prof. Norvin Richards (MIT)
Wednesday, April 29 7:30pm
Boston University Conference Auditorium 2nd floor of the George Sherman Union 775 Commonwealth Ave
"The Linguists" follows linguists David Harrison and Greg Anderson as they travel the globe in a race to document vanishing languages in Siberia, India, Bolivia, and elsewhere. Here is a chance to see it in "on the big screen", at the Boston University undergraduate Linguistics Association end-of-the-year event.
The movie will be followed by a short presentation by Prof. Norvin Richards (MIT) concerning his own work with language documentation and revitalization, followed by a question & answer period.
The event is free, and is open to the public.
participants (1)
Paul Hagstrom