Discussion Group Tomorrow

Discussion Group on Internet Language and Emoticons: Tomorrow (3/8) 7pm @ 621 Comm. Ave Room: B02 FYI, BULA is having an informal roundtable discussion on txttlk and how it's omg important. Whether you're using abbrevs to make ur friends tots jealz, make you roflmao, or make you ragequit from every chat window, come and let us know how you feel. Tbh we're really excited, and we hope to see everyone there! kthxbai! Translation: Please come to BULA’s second monthly discussion group! This Tuesday we’ll be discussing the use of Internet language and emoticons to express meaning. This could be anything from the abbreviations like the ones above, to the differences between :-) :’-( ;-) and <3. Last month’s discussion generated lots of interesting conversation so we hope you’ll join us tomorrow! Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147725051955582&index=1 Bula.bu.edu
participants (1)
Lara Bryfonski