Today, we are having our Language and Cognition event with Professor Charles Chang at 5:00 pm in CAS 222.
How is language influenced by thought (and culture)? How is thought influenced by language? In this event, we'll discuss the relationship between language and cognition, including the so-called "Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis" and Neo-Whorfian investigations of linguistic relativity. Topics to be addressed (time permitting) are grammatical effects (gender, number, tense), frame of reference, conceptual metaphors, sensory perception, and decision-making.
Also, the Linguistics colloquium event that was canceled last week has been rescheduled for this Friday!
The colloquium with Morgan Sonderegger is now being held this Friday, March 30, 2018, at 4:00 pm in LSE B01. (In 24 Cummington Mall)
Hope to see ya there!
BULA team