Following up on the previous message, here is one posting in the "undergraduate Linguistics opportunities" category.. There are a few academic conferences during the year that are run specifically for undergraduate Linguistics audiences, with research presentations by undergraduates. One such conference was recently announced at the University of Ottawa, although the deadline for abstract submissions has just passed. If you find yourself in Ottawa, however, on Nov 21, it might be interesting to attend. Some information on this conference can be found here in their call for participation Even though the submission deadline for this conference has passed, McGill University and Harvard University each regularly host such conferences in the spring, so if you might be interested in doing this, keep your eye out for the announcement (which should be posted to this mailing list when the conferences are announced). You can see information about previous year's undergraduate conferences at: When any position openings or conference announcements of this kind come to my attention, which would be of specific interest to the undergraduate Linguistics community, I'll post them to this list as well. -Paul