Good morning BULA! 

After a small delay here is what you need to know if you missed the meeting last Thursday. First, a big thank you to Professor Neidle who provided food, and to all the people who came, it was great getting to know you better! We learned a bit about our members varied interests in subjects like orthography, syntax, sociolinguistics, and neuroscience. 

We also discussed a future joint-event with the deaf studies club, so look forward to a talk centered around deaf issues from new faculty member Amy Lieberman. We also talked about a possible panel on accessibility of healthcare for people who speak an underrepresented or stigmatized language, so keep your eyes peeled for more info on that! 

Lastly, we decided on our schedule of upcoming meetings, which are:  

October 8:  GSU dinner and game night

October 22

November 5

November 19

Come hang out on October 8th and enjoy a linguistics themed game night! 

We also have some upcoming events sponsored by the Linguistics department including an awesome presentation by Rupal Patel on her work collecting donated voices. If that sounds intriguing then come see her speak on September 30! 

Don’t forget that the Linguistics open house is on October 1st, and that it is a great opportunity to meet the Linguistics faculty, fellow students, and enjoy some free food. hint hint. 

See this graphic for other upcoming events, and dont forget that you can get more information at anytime! 

Inline image 1

Hope to see you all soon! 

Sarah Eldredge