Greetings, Linguistics enthusiasts. I hope your Fall semesters are proceeding nicely. A couple of announcements. The first being: FIRST BULA GENERAL GROUP MEETING Tuesday, September 22 6pm GSU back court This will be an informal gathering to meet other members, eat, and talk about ideas for coming activities. Just come to the GSU back court, there should be a BULA sign to guide your way to the group. There will also be free dessert! Come if you can (you need to eat anyway, right?) and bring any ideas you have for group activities and events. You can RSVP on Facebook: Also: The *second* general group meeting will be on Thursday October 8 at 6pm, at a location still to be arranged. A reminder will be sent out over this list with the location about a week ahead of time. For those of you new to the BULA mailing list: BULA events will be announced over this list, and occasionally some other items of interest to the undergraduate Linguistics community. It is not a high- volume list, however, you can expect to receive not more than maybe 5-10 emails a month. If at any point you wish to change your status on the list, you can do this online at the address given at the bottom of this email. Contact information: There are lots of ways to find out about what's going on with BULA and the BU and Boston Linguistics scene. BULA has a web site and a group on Facebook, which you can find in the following locations: The CAS Linguistics program also has a website and a Facebook page, where BULA events should also be posted. They are: Linguistics-related events around Boston are posted on the CAS Linguistics web site here: That's it. I'll follow this up with one message pertaining to undergraduate Linguistics conferences. I hope everyone can go to the general meeting at the GSU on Tuesday evening. -Paul (Hagstrom, faculty advisor for BULA, fellow Linguistics enthusiast)