[Hello BULA list -- Don't forget this afternoon's Open House, and BULA has secured a room to show "Cracking the Maya Code" just afterwards, at 5pm. Below is the actual announcement, and a couple of links.] Hello Linguistics enthusiasts! To complete your day of linguistic devotion [today] Wednesday, October 22, the BULA is having an official movie night! We will be showing "Cracking the Maya Code" at 5pm in CAS 534 in the Geddes Language Lab. Come learn the story behind the centuries-long decipherment of ancient Maya hieroglyphs! After the movie (expected to last just short of an hour) we will discuss the plethora of linguistic material to be found within the film. We hope to see you Wednesday night at 5pm for MORE Linguistics! --BULA http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/mayacode/ http://ling.bu.edu/news http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/UG/BULA/