A message from the BULA officers: The BULA trip to the MFA discussed at the last meeting will be on Sat Oct 23:
BULA, the Boston University Linguistics Association, is putting together another event for its members, friends of members, and as many degrees of separation as you can imagine!
Here are the deets:
What: MFA (Museum of Fine Arts) Trip When: Saturday, October 23 12:00 to 4:00 Where: We will meet at Marsh Chapel and walk down there in a group! (Weather Permitting) Price: Nothing, zero, zilch, free... as long as you bring your BU ID Card.
The idea is to enjoy Boston and enjoy the aesthetics the museum has to offer all while in the company of friends! The semester is getting deeper and deeper in, but make time for this, as we will have a good time!
Looking forward to seeing you, BULA Officers