Hello everyone! BULA has quite a few upcoming events we hope to see you at! Please read on for details regarding three upcoming events. First and foremost is the Linguistics Open House, which is this Thursday, April 2nd. The Open House will run from 5:15 to 6:30 PM in the Setterberg Lounge on the 2nd floor of Sargent College. Please join us to learn about majors and minors in Linguistics, as well as joint major options. Linguistics faculty and students will be there to talk, and next semester's course offerings will be available. Representatives from the Boston University Linguistics Association will be there as well if you're interested in learning more about BULA. Refreshments will be served and anyone is welcome! RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/806263009460440/ Our next upcoming event is what promises to be a very interesting lecture on April 16th at 5:30 PM in Kenmore Classroom Building, Room 101. Professor Isabelle Charnavel will be presenting "Auxiliary Alternations in French passé surcomposé." Refreshments will be served. RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1415338318776953/ And finally, our last upcoming event is the final BULA (bula.bu.edu) meeting for this year! The meeting will allow us to plan for 2015-16, and will be held on April 21st at 5 PM in B02 of 621 Comm. Ave. (the Linguistics building). New members are always welcome. BULA will be seeking your ideas for upcoming activities, and elections will be held to select next year's officers. Please join us and RSVP on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/347467105443137/ Thank you and enjoy the rest of your semester! BULA