Begin forwarded message:
From: "Carol Neidle"
Date: January 19, 2010 11:32:55 AM EST Subject: FW: Upcoming visit by job candidate in Linguistics Subject: Upcoming visit by job candidate in Linguistics
Hello again!
Just a reminder that our first candidate for the Linguistics position will be coming tomorrow. I hope you'll be able to join us for her presentation and the discussion afterward. These events will take place in the Geddes Video Studio (533B).
Please see the attached announcement and share it with colleagues and students who might like to attend. The attachment includes an abstract of the talk.
I hope to see you there, and the search committee will value your comments afterwards.
Thanks very much.
Best wishes, Carol
Begin forwarded message:
Hello everyone:
As you may know, we are seeking to hire an Assistant Professor of Linguistics with a specialization in morphology, to be based in the Department of Romance Studies. I am writing to report on the progress of the search.
There will be two candidates coming to visit during the next two weeks. Because of scheduling constraints on the part of the candidates, we have been forced to move very quickly in arranging these visits. Although many details are still being worked out, I wanted to share with you without delay the information that is known at this point, so that you can, we hope, make arrangements to attend their presentations.
Anne Pycha -
Wednesday, January 20
1 - 1:50 PM presentation (location TBA); tentative title:
"Word structures that look the same but behave differently: Evidence from French adjectives"
2 - 2:30 informal conversation with the candidate
Luc Baronian -
Monday, January 25
1 - 1:50 PM presentation (location TBA); tentative title:
"Building the French Lexicon: From phonology to morphology"
2 - 2:30 informal conversation with the candidate
These talks will be intended for a relatively general audience, and all students and faculty who may be interested are very welcome to attend. Please share this information with your colleagues and students at BU.
The search committee would appreciate any comments you may have -- as soon as possible after each candidate's visit. Please send your reactions to or to me directly (, to be shared with the search committee.
When there is more information available, I will send out an update. I apologize if the time of the presentation proves inconvenient for some of you. As you can imagine, the scheduling is very complicated and these were our best options, all things considered. We are trying to arrange for a videorecording of the presentation, so anyone who cannot attend but would be interested in viewing either of the talks should contact me, and we'll try to provide access for you.
Thanks very much.
best wishes, Carol