Hello BULA list. I've got two announcements of upcoming undergraduate Linguistics conferences for your consideration. The first one is at McGill, and was announced earlier -- this is a reminder, the deadline for abstracts is coming up, February 9. The conference itself will be the weekend of March 6. The second one is at Cornell, the deadline for sending an abstract to that conference is March 6. The conference itself will be April 4-5. -Paul === === === === McGill’s Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates is still looking for abstract submissions from students who would like to present a 20-minute talk with a 10-minute question period on their research on topics related to linguistics. McCCLU is also looking for students to participate in our poster session to be held during the conference. The poster session is open to all student research in linguistics. If you have written a paper or done interesting research in linguistics but don’t feel you could give a whole 20-minute talk on your topic, the poster session is for you. We will also consider posters presenting research that is still in its preliminary stages and may not have solid results by the beginning of March as long as the expected results are stated in the abstract for the poster Abstracts for both 20-minute talks and for posters should be a maximum of one-page in length and should be sent electronically to mccclu2009@gmail.com by February 9th, 2009. If you would like to just be considered for the poster session please indicate so in your e-mail. If you do not wish to present your research but would still like to participate in McCCLU please join us! We will have professors Heather Goad and Bernhard Schwarz as our guest speakers and have lots of fun events planned throughout the weekend. Visit our website www.mccclu.com for more information. Online pre-registration will begin soon! Thanks, Kate McCurdy McCCLU Coordinator mccclu2009@gmail.com === === === === Call for Papers for the 3rd annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium Cornell University, Ithaca, New York April 4-5, 2009 UnderLings, the Cornell University undergraduate linguistics association, requests abstract submissions for the third annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium. Student submissions at all levels are encouraged in a variety of subfields of linguistics, including but not limited to phonetics, phonology, syntax, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition. Applicants pursuing a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree are invited to submit a one-page abstract for a talk of no more than twenty minutes in length or for a poster presentation at our poster session. Abstracts should be submitted to culc2009@gmail.com by Friday March 6th, 2009. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for a talk or for the poster session or both. There is a high probability that the conference proceedings will be published afterward, most likely in an online, widely-accessible format. More information about the colloquium and online pre-registration will be available soon at http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/culc2009. Please direct any questions to culc2009@gmail.com.