Hello, all. Just after coming back from the Opportunities panel, I found the announcement for the Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium waiting for me in my inbox. I had mentioned this one as one of the commonly recurring conferences, but didn't have information about this year's version. Now I do. The email is included below.
Fifth Annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium (CULC)
Abstracts due: Friday, March 18
Conference occurs: Friday-Saturday, April 15-16
If you're interested in submitting something to this conference, contact one of the Linguistics faculty and we can help out in the preparation of an abstract to submit.
I have included also a quick reminder/summary of the other conference I've mentioned that have abstract submission dates in the future. The Harvard one is due Friday, March 11, the other two are due tomorrow (which is probably not realistic).
Harvard Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium
Abstracts due: Friday, March 11
Conference occurs: Saturday-Sunday, April 9-10
McGill Canadian Conference for Linguistics Undergraduates
Abstracts due: Friday, February 25 (tomorrow!)
Conference occurs: Friday, March 11
Where I got the February 25th deadline:
First National Conference of the Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain
Abstracts due: Friday, February 25 (tomorrow!)
Conference occurs: Saturday-Sunday, March 26-27
> From: Hannah de Kleer <rhd58(a)cornell.edu>
> Date: February 24, 2011 8:02:43 PM EST
> Subject: Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium - Call for Papers
> To whom it may concern,
> The Cornell Undergraduates in Linguistics (UnderLings) is hosting its Fifth Annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium (CULC) April 15-16, 2011, in Ithaca, New York. We would love to have undergraduate students at your university participate. Below is a call for papers for the conference. Please forward it to all undergraduate students. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact me.
> Thanks for your time,
> Hannah de Kleer
> CULC 2011 Planning Committee
> rhd58(a)cornell.edu
> P.S. If you believe you have received this message in error, please let me know who to contact instead so that we can update our contact list. Thanks!
> Call for Papers
> for the 5th Annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium
> Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
> April 15-16, 2011
> UnderLings, the Cornell University undergraduate linguistics association, requests abstract submissions for the fifth annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium. Student submissions at all levels are encouraged in a variety of subfields of linguistics, including but not limited to phonetics, phonology, syntax, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition. Applicants pursuing a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree are invited to submit a one-page abstract for a talk of no more than twenty minutes in length or for a poster presentation at our poster session. Abstracts should be submitted to rhd58(a)cornell.edu by Friday, March 18th, 2011. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for a talk or for the poster session or both.
> More information about the colloquium and online pre-registration will be available soon online. Information about prior colloquiums is available at http://linguistics.cornell.edu/undergraduate/undergrad-colloquium.cfm.
> Please direct any questions to rhd58(a)cornell.edu
> Thank you.
> --
> Ruth Hannah de Kleer
> Cornell University
> Department of Linguistics, Class of 2011
Hello again fellow linguists! BULA has an exciting semester’s worth of events planned for you! This spring, we will be having regular discussion groups tackling a variety of rousing topics the second Tuesday of every month. We are also arranging to bring one or more linguists to join us to speak about their research later in the semester. Come and heartily discuss, debate and make new friends with BULA!
Upcoming February Events:
Orthography Discussion Group: Feb. 8th 7 PM @ 621 Comm Ave, B02 (Basement of the Linguistics Program Building)
Are you interested in the development and use of both current and ancient writing systems? Do you practice calligraphy or speak languages written in other alphabets, or would you like to? Have you seen alphabets used in art, or even in politics? Whatever your interest, come to our open-table discussion and share your experiences!
Linguistics Opportunities at BU: Feb. 24th 6:30 PM @ CAS 203
If you're a current Linguistics major or minor, or just interested in what’s going on around campus, please join us for this Panel on Linguistic Opportunities at BU. We will be discussing research assistantship opportunities students have had on campus, such as the work being done on the Medumba language in Linguistic Field Methods, work in the Aphasia Research Laboratory, the American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project, and opportunities to attend or present at several undergraduate linguistics conferences. Afterwards, you can socialize with students who have studied linguistics abroad, or discuss linguistics courses you have taken.
To find more information, check out our very pretty website, bula.bu.edu, and join our fan page on Facebook!
Here are the announcements for this year's Harvard Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium.
Of all of the undergraduate Linguistics conferences, this one is the closest. The deadline for submissions is March 11, the conference itself is April 9-10. If you have a research project you have done (even if it was as part of a course), consider submitting an abstract. And even if you don't submit an abstract, you might well find it interesting to attend (and it's quite nearby).
Attached to this email are both the registration form if you wish to attend, and the call for abstract submissions.
If you have a project you'd be interested in talking about at this conference, feel free to contact the faculty member you worked with (or any of the Linguistics faculty members) for advice.
And, speaking of submitting abstracts to undergraduate Linguistics conferences: There will be more discussion of this (and also details about the several other regularly held undergraduate Linguistics conferences) at the "Linguistics Opportunities at BU" event sponsored by BULA next week on Thu Feb 24 (6:30pm, CAS 203), see http://bula.bu.edu for more details.
Also, don't forget the upcoming "Linguistics Extravaganza" the following week (Wed Mar 2 in STH 325), which will feature a discussion of Linguistics opportunities abroad starting at 4pm, followed by a general Linguistics open house at 4:30pm, with refreshments and information about the Linguistics major, minor, and courses, as well as the new Linguistics & Philosophy major. See http://ling.bu.edu for more details.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Harvard LinG <harvard.ling.colloquium(a)gmail.com>
> Date: February 13, 2011 7:54:03 PM EST
> To: Harvard LinG <harvard.ling.colloquium(a)gmail.com>
> Cc: syzhao(a)fas.harvard.edu
> Subject: Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium
> Hello!
> The Harvard Undergraduate Linguistics Group would like to invite students in your department to our annual Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium, to be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts on April 9th-10th this year.
> The call for papers and registration form are attached, and copies of both should have also arrived by mail. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 11th.
> We would appreciate your help in getting the word out about this opportunity for undergraduates, and please feel free to direct questions to harvard.ling.colloquium(a)gmail.com.
> Many thanks,
> -Serena Zhao
> --
> Harvard Undergraduate Linguistics Group
> Colloquium 2011
> Serena Zhao, President
> Mark Warren, Treasurer
> www.hcs.harvard.edu/ling