Hello Linguistics enthusiasts:
In case you hadn't heard about it, BULA is hosting a panel discussion this Thursday (Nov 19) in KCB 106 from 7:00-8:30pm: "Linguistics & You: What You Can Do". Come if you can!
Also: if you ordered BULA T-shirts, they should be available at the event.
Linguistics & You: What You Can Do
A panel discussion
Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:00-8:30pm
Kenmore Classroom Building 106
Invited panelists are:
Joseph Grady
Co-Founder and Principal of Cultural Logic: A Cognitive Approach to Communications
Edith Maxwell
Principal Technical Writer, EditShare
Gene Papa
Senior Systems Consultant, TJX Companies
Greg Scontras
Ph.D. Student, Harvard University Department of Linguistics
You can RSVP with the Facebook event:
As you may remember from previous meetings/emails, we will be hosting a
bake sale at the BUCLD this weekend from Friday to Sunday. To do this,
we need volunteers! You can volunteer any time from Friday at 8 am to
9pm, Saturday 8 am to 7pm, or Sunday 9 am to 2pm. Consider what time
you have this weekend, particularly Friday or Sunday (some officeers
have already told me they can work on Saturday, but we do need a few
more people!) and whether you could be at the conference.
Here is the schedule so you can consider what talks you might like to
attend (volunteering to work the bake sale table before or after the
talk you attend is a great way to maximize your trip to the GSU!):
We also need some people to donate baked goods to sell, and to
volunteer to decorate items on Thursday night.
Please get back to me as soon as possible and let me know what you
would be willing to do! Give me as many times you are available as
possible. If you say you are available all day Friday, fear not, you
will not work the entire day!
Thank you!
Monica Quimby