BUCLD 35 Pre-registration Now Open!
We are pleased to announce that pre-registration for BUCLD 35 is now available at: http://www.bu.edu/bucld/conference-info/registration/ The 35th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development will be held at Boston University, November 5 to November 7. Our invited speakers are: Keynote Speaker: Rachel Mayberry, University of California at San Diego “Nurture and biology in language acquisition: What the hands say” Plenary Speaker: William Snyder, University of Connecticut “Children’s grammatical conservatism: Implications for syntactic theory” Lunch Symposium: “The acquisition of number words: Integrating formal and developmental perspectives” Susan Carey, Harvard University Justin Halberda, Johns Hopkins University Jeff Lidz, University of Maryland Julien Musolino, Rutgers University The full BUCLD 35 schedule can be found at the end of the body of this email. The Society for Language Development will hold their Annual Symposium on the same weekend as the BUCLD. Please note that this year’s SLD Symposium will be held on the Sunday immediately following the BUCLD, not the Thursday prior as it has been in past years. Please check their webpage for the most current information. “Cognition and Language” Speakers: Noam Chomsky (MIT) and Randy Gallistel (Rutgers) Sunday, November 7 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM George Sherman Union, Boston University More information on the SLD symposium can be found at: http://www.bcs.rochester.edu/sld/symposium.html The full conference schedule is available at: http://www.bu.edu/bucld/conference-info/schedule/ REMINDER TO STUDENT PRESENTERS: The Paula Menyuk Student Travel Award 2010 will be given to about 20 student presenters (Bachelor, Master’s or PhD). The award entails the reimbursement of travel costs of up to $300. For detailed requirements and more information please see our website and fill out our application (http://www.bu.edu/bucld/travel-hotel/travel-award/). The deadline for receiving applications has been extended to October 4, 2010. More information about BUCLD, including information about accommodations in the area, is available at our website: http://www.bu.edu/bucld We look forward to seeing you at BUCLD 35! Sincerely, Nick Danis, Kate Mesh, Hyunsuk Sung BUCLD 35 Co-organizers FULL SCHEDULE: Column 1 = Session A (Metcalf Small) Column 2 = Session B (East Balcony) Column 3 = Session C (Conference Auditorium) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2010 Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 9:00 E. Conwell, T. O’Donnell, J. Snedecker: Stored chunks and generalized representations: The case of the English dative alternation P. Fikkert, A. Chen: The role of word-stress and intonation for word recognition in Dutch 14- and 24-month-olds T. Ionin, S. Montrul, H. Santos: Transfer in L2 and L3 acquisition of generic interpretation 9:30 D. Yurovsky, D. Fricker, C. Yu, L. Smith: Building and using partial knowledge in statistical word learning M. Babineau, R. Shi: Processing of French liaisons in 24-month-old infants N. Modyanova, A. Perovic, C. Hirsch, K. Wexler: What drives children’s development of definite determiners 10:00 K. Smith, E. Wonnacott: Elimination of unpredictable linguistic variation through iterated learning A. Mata, A. Santos: Intonation of early answers to confirmation-seeking questions in spontaneous speech N. Vasic, E. Blom: Production and processing of determiners in Turkish-Dutch child L2 learners 10:30 BREAK (Ziskind Lounge) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 11:00 C. Lukyanenko, C. Fisher: Where are the cookies? 3-year-olds use number-marked verbs to anticipate noun-number in online sentence interpretation J. Pine, B. Ambridge, C. Rowland: Semantic verb classes and the retreat from overgeneralization error N. Rakhlin, S. Kornilov, M. Babyonyshev, J. Reich, E. Grigorenko: Comprehension of center-embedded and right-branching relative clauses by Russian- speaking children with language impairment 11:30 A. Omaki, I. Davidson White, T. Goro, J. Lidz, C. Phillips: Using verb information to escape from kindergarten-paths in English and Japanese wh-questions C. Noble, A. Theakston, E. Lieven: Comprehension of intransitive argument structure: the first-noun-as- agent bias M. Blossom, M. Rice: Early usage patterns of DO in multiple functions in children with and without Specific Language Impairment 12:00 Z. Qi, S. Yuan, C. Fisher: Where does verb bias come from? Experience with particular verbs affects online sentence processing N. Kazanina, S. Baker, B. Hood, H. Seddon: When throwing is not catching: children’s understanding of intentionality of transfer verbs H. Clahsen, S. Chilla, M. Rothweiler: Subject verb agreement in Specific Language Impairment: A study of monolingual and bilingual German-speaking children 12:30 LUNCH BREAK / BUCLD BUSINESS MEETING (Conference Auditorium) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 2:00 C. Lew-Williams, B. Pelucchi, J. Saffran: Isolated words enhance statistical learning by 9-month-old infants J. Renn: Patterns of style in the language of African American children and adolescents V. Chondrogianni, T. Marinis, S. Edwards: (A)symmetries in the production and on-line comprehension of articles and clitics by Turkish-Greek L2 children: Same or different from monolingual Greek children with SLI? 2:30 C. Shafto, C. Conway, S. Field, D. Houston: Visual sequence learning in infancy: A domain-general predictor of vocabulary ability K. Miller: When input matters, and when it don’t: Acquisition of variable input by English-speaking children S. Manika, S. Varlokosta, K. Wexler: Greek-speaking children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) do not omit clitics 3:00 ATTENDED POSTER SESSION II (Terrace Lounge and Ziskind Lounge) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 4:15 L. Liu, R. Kager: Is statistical learning affected by perceptual reorganization? Dutch infants’ sensitivity to lexical tone discrimination T. Grüter, C. Lew-Williams, A. Fernald: Grammatical gender in L2: Where is the problem? D. Hunsicker, S. Goldin-Meadow: Creating hierarchical structure: Do noun phrases appear in homesign? 4:45 A. Cristia, A. Seidl: Infants’ processing of prosody predicts toddlers’ grammatical vocabulary A. Melançon, R. Shi: Online comprehension of newly acquired nouns and abstract knowledge of grammatical gender A. Lieberman, M. Hatrak, R. Mayberry: The development of eye gaze control for linguistic input in deaf children 5:15 R. Mazuka, Y. Sogabe: Phonemic discrimination at word-initial, word-medial, and word-final positions with and without lexical pitch- accent in Japanese I. Barriere, L. Goyet, T. Nazzi, S. Kresh, G. Legendre: The representation of subject-verb agreement in French- learning toddlers: New evidence from the comprehension of an infrequent pattern of pseudoverbs M. Kuntze, C. Goodman, N. Berlove, S. Fish: A language with polycomponential vocabulary: Issues of linguistic typology and the analysis of ASL vocabulary development 5:45 DINNER BREAK 8:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Rachel Mayberry, University of California at San Diego “Nurture and biology in language acquisition: What the hands say” (Metcalf Large) 9:15 ATTENDED POSTER SESSION I (Terrace Lounge and Ziskind Lounge) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2010 8:00 NSF/NIH FUNDING SYMPOSIUM: What’s Hot and How to Apply (Conference Auditorium) TIME Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 9:00 H. Wang, B. Höhle, N. Ketrez, A. Kuntay, T. Mintz: Cross- linguistic distributional analyses with frequent frames: The cases of German and Turkish B. Pearson, T. Roeper, M. Grace: Quantifier spreading is not distributive T. Xu: Children’s 2Aux negative questions: Parameter-setting or the lexicon? 9:30 S. Yuan, C. Fisher, P. Kandhadai, A. Fernald: You can stipe the pig and nerk the fork: Learning to use verbs to predict nouns K. Syrett, J. Musolino: Children’s collective and distributive interpretations of pluralities with number M. Hara: Subject RC-over- object RC advantages in L2 Processing of Japanese 10:00 S. Arunachalam, E. Escovar, M. Hansen, S. Waxman: Verb learning from syntax alone at 21 months R. Montalto, A. van Hout, P. Hendriks: Acquiring the ordering of Italian near-synonymous quantifiers J. Lidz, A. Gagliardi: Morphosyntactic cues impact filler-gap dependency resolution in 20- and 30-month-olds 10:30 BREAK (Ziskind Lounge) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 11:00 P. Brosseau-Liard, D. Hall: Explaining the disambiguation effect in lexical development: New evidence favoring constraints over social-pragmatic knowledge G. Ouellette: Oral vocabulary and reading skills: A serious relationship or just good friends? J. Choe: What seems to be real may be illusory: Acquisition of raising with an experiencer 11:30 A. Fernald, N. Hurtado, R. Bion, V. Marchman: Zip code as a predictor of toddlers’ use of the mutual exclusivity strategy O. Demir, L. Applebaum, S. Levine, K. Petty, S. Goldin-Meadow: The story behind parent-child book-reading interactions: Relations to later language and reading outcomes E. Lau: Complete uniformity: Early acquisition of the passive in Cantonese 12:15 LUNCH SYMPOSIUM: The acquisition of number words: Integrating formal and developmental perspectives (Speakers: Susan Carey, Justin Halberda, Jeffrey Lidz, Julian Musolino) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 2:15 L. Song, R. Golinkoff, A. Stahl, K. Hirsh-Pasek: When seeing is not enough: 19- to 21-month-olds rely on labels to categorize intransitive human actions K. Gor, A. Lukyanchenko: Perceptual correlates of L1 phonological representations in Russian-English heritage speakers L. Grohe, A. Müller, P. Schulz: How children “copy” long-distance structures: The production of complex wh-questions in German 2:45 M. Johanson, A. Papafragou: Effects of labels on children’s category boundaries Y. Yu, V. Shafer: Electrophysiological indices of six-month-olds’ sensitivity to English vowels: Language experience and gender effect J. Chen, Y. Shirai: The acquisition of relative clauses in child Mandarin 3:15 ATTENDED POSTER SESSION II (Terrace Lounge and Ziskind Lounge) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 4:30 J. Hartshorne, R. Nappa, J. Snedecker: Ambiguous pronoun processing development: Probably not U-shaped A. van Hout, N. Gagarina, W. Dressler, and 25 more authors: Learning to understand aspect across languages N. Feldman, E. Myers, K. White, T. Griffiths, J. Morgan: Infants and adults use word-level statistics in phonetic category acquisition 5:00 C. Schulze, S. Grassmann, M. Tomasello: Relevance inferences in 3-year-olds L. Domínguez, M. Arche, F. Myles: Testing the predictions of the Feature-Assembly Hypothesis: Evidence from the acquisition of Spanish aspect morphology D. Swingley, C. Slaton: Word-forms can help learners form phonetic categories 5:45 PLENARY ADDRESS: William Snyder, University of Connecticut “Children’s grammatical conservatism: Implications for syntactic theory” (Metcalf Large) 7:00 ATTENDED POSTER SESSION II (Terrace Lounge and Ziskind Lounge) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2010 TIME Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 9:00 L. Serratrice, A. Hesketh, R. Ashworth, L. Lodovica: The use of indirect speech clauses in a narrative context: A priming study L. Pozzan, G. Bencini, E. Quirk, N. Eng, V. Valian: The acquisition of English main and embedded questions in child and adult SLA: An elicited production study G. Jarosz: The roles of phonotactics and frequency in the learning of alternations 9:30 I. Arnon: From chunk to segment: U-shaped patterns in the effect of frames on children’s word production R. Slabakova, G. Campos, T. Leal Mendez, P. Kempchinsky, J. Rothman: Pragmatic features at the L2 syntax-discourse interface I. Berent, K. Harder, T. Lennertz: Phonological universals in early childhood: Evidence from sonority restrictions 10:00 M. Kirjavainen, A. Theakston: Infinitival-to omission errors in child language M. Iverson, J. Rothman: When L2 syntax is target-like and target-deviant at the same time: L1 preemption again! N. Boll- Avetisyan: Probabilistic phonotactics and syllable structure in L2 lexical acquisition 10:30 BREAK (Ziskind Lounge) Session A (Metcalf Small) Session B (East Balcony) Session C (Conference Auditorium) 11:00 L. Schneidman, S. Goldin-Meadow: Child-directed speech and vocabulary acquisition in a Mayan village M. Sutton, C. Lukyanenko, J. Lidz: The onset of Principle C at 30 months: The role of vocabulary, syntactic development, and processing efficiency H. Engemann: The expression of motion events in bilingual first language acquisition: Evidence for typological constraints in English and French 11:30 M. Carlson, M. Sonderegger, M. Bane: Global properties of the phonological network in child-directed speech K. Clackson, H. Clahsen: Online processing of cataphoric pronouns by children and adults: Evidence from eye movements during listening S. Shayan, O. Ozturk, M. Bowerman, A. Majid: Development of cross-modal Mappings of pitch to thickness. 12:00 A. Pinkham, T. Kaeffer, S. Neuman: Representational demand positively influences kindergartners’ language development E. Kim, S. Montrul, J. Yoon: The on-line processing of binding principles A and B in L2 acquisition: Evidence from eye tracking P. Li: Another turn on the acquisition of spatial frames of reference terms 12:30 E. Bergelson, D. Swingley: Mother’s education predicts spoken word recognition in 6-16-mo.-old infants Y. Wang: The L2 processing of anaphora resolution under movement S. Lee-Ellis, S. Hoerner, J. Lidz: Initial parsing bias in the perception of spatial relations by bilinguals SOCIETY FOR LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 7th ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM (Metcalf Large) Cognition and Language 2:30 Introductory Remarks 3:00 Noam Chomsky (MIT) 4:00 Break 4:15 Charles R. Gallistel (Rutgers University) 5:15 General Discussion 6:00 RECEPTION (Metcalf Small) ALTERNATES N. Ferjan Ramirez, A. Lieberman, R. Mayberry: The first words acquired by adolescent first-language learners: When late looks early A. Kerkhoff, E. de Bree, E. van Baal, F. Wijnen: Implicit learning and dyslexia: non-adjacent dependency learning in infants with a familial risk of dyslexia C. Jackson, M. O’Brien, C. Gardner: Prosodic cues to syntactic disambiguation in second language German A. Mitchel, M. Christiansen, D. Weiss: Cross-modal effects in statistical learning: Evidence from the McGurk illusion N. Dijkstra, P. Fikkert: Universal constraints on the discrimination of Place of Articulation? Asymmetries in the discrimination of ‘paan’ and ‘taan’ by 6-month-old Dutch infants C. Brojde, E. Colunga: Bilingual and monolingual children attend to object properties differently in a word learning task S. Unsworth, I. Tsimpli: Bilingual acquisition of Greek voice morphology and Dutch gender: what do they have in common? A. Theakston: Differences in children’s and adults’ choice of referring expressions as a function of sentence role, accessibility, and ambiguity. A. Belikova: Do L2ers adopt the pronoun misanalysis of se? Data from Russian- and English-speaking L2 learners of French A. Santos, I. Duarte, A. Pires, J. Rothman: Early inflected infinitives and late V-to-C movement T. Hasley: Examining the semantics-pragmatics interface: The implications of implicatures R. van de Vijver, D. Baer-Henney: Acquisition of voicing and vowel alternations in German POSTERS Session I, Room A – Terrace Lounge (Friday, November 6, 3:00-4:15 pm, 9:15-10:00 pm) X. Yang: Young Chinese children’s CP and left periphery: The case of sentence final particles A. Weisleder, A. Fernald: Streams of talk: Child-directed speech, but not overheard speech, predicts infants’ vocabulary and language processing efficiency K. Sugisaki: The distinction between case-markers and postpositions in early child Japanese: New evidence for children’s grammatical conservatism N. Ward, M. Sundara, B. Conboy, P. Kuhl: Short-term exposure to a second language produces language-specific effects in babbling Y. Kim, M. Sundara: The role of function words in the development of word segmentation A. Nadig, S. Ozonoff: Discourse context affects homonym interpretation similarly for children with high-functioning autism and typically developing children: an eye-tracking study P. Cheung, P. Li, D. Barner: Are classifiers necessary for individuation in Mandarin Chinese?: A study on the acquisition of units of quantification S. Kim: The incomplete acquisition of Korean negative polarity items by heritage Korean speakers: The effects of transfer and age A. Ferry, S. Hespos, S. Waxman: Tuning the link between words and categories: Primate vocalizations facilitate object categorization in 3-month-old, but not 12-month-old infants M. Lippeveld, Y. Oshima-Takane: The dax is daxing the cheese: When do children acquire class extension rules for denominal verbs? T. Medina, A. Hafri, J. Trueswell, L. Gleitman: Propose but verify: Fast mapping meets cross-situational learning E. Zaretsky, C. Core: Developmental sensitivity to the sublexical structure of the word: Evidence from a longitudinal study of early spelling attempts. E. Nava, J. Tepperman: Modeling second language prosody acquisition: A dynamic systems theory approach J. Grinstead, M. Vega-Mendoza, G. Goodall: Subject-verb inversion and verb finiteness are independent in Spanish N. Ferjan Ramirez, A. Lieberman, R. Mayberry: The first words acquired by adolescent first-language learners: When late looks early C. Jackson, M. O’Brien, C. Gardner: Prosodic cues to syntactic disambiguation in second language German Session I, Room B – Ziskind Lounge (Friday, November 6, 3:00-4:15 pm, 9:15-10:00 pm) T. Kobayashi, Y. Oshima-Takane: Early verb extension in Japanese- speaking children Y. Choi, H. Lee, N. Jang, A. Kaufman: Whose report is more certain?: The development of evidential reasoning S. Kirby: Move over, control freaks: Syntactic raising as a cognitive default G. Van Berkel, A. Fernald, V. Marchman: Word Frequency Influences Speed of Lexical Access in 2-year-olds J. Willits, J. Saffran: Adults and Infants Use Meaning to Learn about Non-Adjacent Structure in Language H. Koulidobrova: Transfer past the surface: Evidence from null subjects in the speech of an ASL/English bilingual L. Jiang, E. Haryu: Young Chinese-speaking children’s understanding of the correspondence between verb meaning and argument structure J. Bogdanovs, J. Fletcher, D. Bayliss: What contributes to reading comprehension? Differences between typically developing children and children with reading difficulties J. Hoover, H. Storkel: Neighborhood density and the ruse in SLI E. Tenenbaum: Typically developing infants attend to the mouth in conversational interactions D. Simeone, D. Sobel: Children’s understanding of reliability across linguistic domains G. Bencini: Lexical, conceptual, and syntactic influences on syntactic priming in monolingual and bilingual English speakers D. McDaniel, C. McKee, M. Garrett: Fluency Markers for children’s sentence planning: Early and late stage processing A. White, R. Baier, J. Lidz: When knowledge causes failure: Effects of subcategorization frequency in novel word learning I. Eigsti, A. de Marchena, J. Dixon: Conversational gestures in autism spectrum disorders: A qualitative difference D. Roberson, O. Ozturk, S. Shayan, A. Majid: Teddy-bear blues: A comparison of color-matching in Farsi-, Turkish- and English-speaking three and four-year-olds. A. Mitchel, M. Christiansen, D. Weiss: Cross-modal effects in statistical learning: Evidence from the McGurk illusion C. Brojde, E. Colunga: Bilingual and monolingual children attend to object properties differently in a word learning task A. Belikova: Do L2ers adopt the pronoun misanalysis of se? Data from Russian- and English-speaking L2 learners of French T. Hasley: Examining the semantics-pragmatics interface: The implications of implicatures Session II, Room A – Terrace Lounge (Saturday, November 7, 3:15-4:30 pm, 7:00-7:45 pm) T. Marinis: Non-word repetition in successive bilingual children: similar or different pattern from monolingual children with SLI? C. Junge: On-line evidence of early word familiarization in nine- month-olds E. Wonnacott, J. Boyd, J. Thomson, A. Goldberg: The acquisition of novel constructional patterns by five-year-olds and adults T. Lentz, R. Kager: L1 phonotactics adds spurious segmentation candidates in L2 speech recognition T. Bagetti, L. Correa: The early recognition of verb affixes: evidence from Portuguese H. Katz, J. Trueswell: Seeing, saying, and remembering: Children’s understanding of discourse constraints on choice of referential expressions H. Goad, L. White, J. Bruhn de Garavito: Prosodic transfer at different levels of structure: The L2 acquisition of Spanish plurals L. Tornyova, V. Valian: A hypothesis testing model of question formation: Evidence from auxiliary omission and inversion A. Gagliardi, J. Lidz: When Bayes betrays: How linguistic hypotheses shape learning biases D. Hufnagle, L. Holt: Development of adult-like speech categorization in 3- and 5-year olds E. Leddon, S. Arunachalam, X. Fu, H. Gong, L. Wang, S. Waxman: Noun and verb learning in English- and Mandarin-acquiring 24-month-olds L. Naigles, C. Reynolds, A. Kuntay: 2-year-olds’ sensitivity to pronoun case in English sentence comprehension M. Khan, J. Snedeker: Spontaneous implicit naming of visual objects A. Eilam, J. Trueswell: Rapid acquisition of expletive negation in Modern Hebrew A. Kerkhoff, E. de Bree, E. van Baal, F. Wijnen: Implicit learning and dyslexia: non-adjacent dependency learning in infants with a familial risk of dyslexia N. Dijkstra, P. Fikkert: Universal constraints on the discrimination of Place of Articulation? Asymmetries in the discrimination of ‘paan’ and ‘taan’ by 6-month-old Dutch infants Session II, Room B – Ziskind Lounge (Saturday, November 7, 3:15-4:30 pm, 7:00-7:45 pm) C. Branchini, C. Benetti, E. Carravieri, F. Arosio: Structure building and syntactic movement in Italian SLI children N. Mani: Forming word-word relationships in infancy F. Chang, T. Kobayashi: Mapping between particles and intentionality in Japanese preferential looking G. Cannizzaro, P. Hendriks: When animacy trumps word order: (eye) tracking a comprehension delay in English-speaking preschoolers D. Apoussidou: Modeling the acquisition of speech segmentation bottom- up and top-down A. Grimm, M. Wojtecka, A. Ritter, P. Schulz: Comprehension of exhaustive wh-questions in eL2 and L1 learners of German — cross- linguistically uniform or language-specific acquisition? M. Iraola Azpiroz, M. Ezeizabarrena Segurola: Anaphora resolution in the acquisition of Basque C. Cantiani, M. Lorusso, P. Perego, M. Guasti: ERP correlates of anomalous morphosyntactic processing in adults and children with Developmental Dyslexia S. Hoerner, W. Idsardi, N. Jiang: Highly proficient Spanish-dominant bilinguals demonstrate sensitivity to difficult English vowel contrasts J. Rothman, J. Cabrelli Amaro, G. Campos: L3 initial state models on trial: Subject-to-subject raising across experiencers in L3 Portuguese and Spanish R. Bion, A. Fernald: Perceptual adaptation to foreign-accented speech in 18-month-old infants J. Davidson, I. de la Fuente, R. Foote, S. Montrul: Early language experience facilitates gender processing in Spanish heritage speakers A. Seery, V. Vogel-Farley, T. Augenstein, L. Casner, L. Kasparian, H. Tager-Flusberg, C. Nelson: Atypical electrophysiological lateralization to speech stimuli in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder M. Hughes, S. Allen: The contribution of grammatical and discourse- pragmatic effects to the acquisition of referential choice in child English C. Coughlin, A. Tremblay: The role of prosodic boundaries in non- native speech segmentation A. Delcenserie, F. Genesee, T. Grüter: Acquisition of object clitics and working memory in internationally-adopted children from China S. Unsworth, I. Tsimpli: Bilingual acquisition of Greek voice morphology and Dutch gender: what do they have in common? A. Theakston: Differences in children’s and adults’ choice of referring expressions as a function of sentence role, accessibility, and ambiguity. A. Santos, I. Duarte, A. Pires, J. Rothman: Early inflected infinitives and late V-to-C movement R. van de Vijver, D. Baer-Henney: Acquisition of voicing and vowel alternations in German
participants (1)